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An entrepreneur is an individual who through their own initiative establishes a new business venture against risk and uncertainty for the purpose of achieving economic benefit and growth through the recognition of opportunities and accumulation of the required resources.

Below are links to assist you through the process of starting your business.


Did you know that when starting your business you do not need to register with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).

Company registration depends on the type of business you would like to own, as only private or public companies need to be registered with the CIPC.

So if you are looking at a sole proprietorship or a partnership then all necessary documents are internally compiled.

One important tip when starting your business would be to open a business banking account as soon as possible so that you are able to differentiate between business versus personal transactions and funds. This will also provide your business with a start for record keeping purposes.

Below is a link to guide you once you are ready to draft your business plan.

Did you know you do not have to draft a business plan right at the beginning when starting a business. The main purpose of a business plan is to assist you in drafting a well thought out detailed strategy for your business and not just as a tool to draw investors.

An alternative tool that is just as effective in assisting you when drafting a plan is the business model canvas. This is a one page document that requires you to consider key points when planning for your business. From the business model canvas you may then proceed to draft a business plan.

You may download a one page template of the business model canvas.