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This six week entrepreneurial leadership programme for Nelson Mandela University student entrepreneurs will focus on preparing studentpreneurs to access markets outside of the student landscape. The program will be made up of six compulsory workshops and ten hours of coaching that will assist student enterprises to be ready to apply for external funding, register on external supplier databases and to overcome individual challenges that prohibit their growth in business.

Six Week Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme

Week 1: 31st August
Self leadership for entrepreneurs

Week 2: 7th September
Business Compliance 101 (such as CSD / CK registrations)

Week 3: 14th September
Coaching Week for all entrepreneurs

Week 4: 21st September
Funding in the SMME Landscape / Raising Capital

Week 5: 28th September
Drafting a Bankable Business Plan & Planning for Growth

Week 6: 5th October
Stakeholder presentations from SEDA, ECDC, NYDA , ISIQALO

Click here to apply.

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